
Toward Amicable Separation: Exploring the Potential of No-Fault Divorce in Sierra Leone

by Helen Pearce of Micheal and Michael and ILRAJ The dissolution of marital bonds through divorce, a legal process governed by law, serves as a sobering reality for couples grappling with unmet expectations within the institution of marriage. In the face of shattered ideals and unrealized commitments, the legal journey of divorce stands as a […]

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Compliance and Transparency: Registering Share Charges in Sierra Leone under the Companies Act

Mohammed M. Bah, Legal Practitioner, OJPLegal Under Section 142 of the Companies Act 2009, a company is empowered to borrow money for its business or objects and may mortgage or charge its undertaking, property and uncalled capital, or any part thereof, as security for the said loan. To put it simply, whenever companies are short

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